23 - Straight

Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Oct 21, 2019 14:04

hi hey hoi oi ay hello good day good morning good evening im getting tired,

i dont have a big vision coming on this site, maybe you want to play some games or some s**t? i dont know, i'm on PC though so if you're on any other platform then i'm sorry but it isn't going to work out. also i'm most likely not going to answer if the message is a simple hi or a question about how i'm doing or whatever, it's cliche and it's boring.

fun facts about me and the s**t i like:

- my parents use a swear jar because i swear a lot
- my favourite film is The Godfather
- my favourite video game series is Hitman
- i've practiced judo and brazilian jiu-jitsu for 12 years, also did some boxing but didn't feel at home with it

enjoy your day and live life :3