42 - Straight

North Carolina, United States

Jan 14, 2020 19:23

I had a profile all written up here at one point but as life has often shown me, it certain throws a curveball time to time. As the details to the side there show I'm agnostic so while there is no one specific deity I'd look to, when life has really sucker punched me I always look up at the sky and ask "why?".

I won't be getting many, if any at all, messages based on this. I mean let us be real here, at thirty eight years old, alone and no signs of that ever changing, then there is no sense in bulls**tting a bulls**tter.

The best I can hope for is a friend, if I'm lucky enough for that. While I'd normally say the law of averages would have to kick in at some point and the roulette wheel landing my number at some point, this is not one of those times. I would be happy for just someone to talk to. I've learned over the course of my life to not trust people, especially in the last couple years.

The only person you can trust is yourself. Still, I wouldn't mind some conversation time to time..

Someone not shallow, vain or self deprecaiting. Someone who can talk for all hours of the night about nerdy stuff and not even look at a clock cause the conversation is that good. Someone that can argue the finer points of why Trek is superior to Star Wars, or why Stargate is a woefully underappreciated series. Someone who can wince at the ending of Lost every time we see it cause it was brilliant for years but ended on such a whimper. Someone that is kind, funny, caring, and intelligent.

Knowing a s**t ton of useless scifi trivia, from the schematic layout of the USS Enterprise, Defiant, etc all the way to the in depth lore of Angels or Demons from Supernatural my brain is full of this stuff lol.. Love Star Trek, back and front, seen every series dozens of times over, except TOS I wasnt a huge TOS fan, grew up in the 80s with TNG and never looked back. Really digging Discovery, and Picard is looking to be good as well.

Also being a tank in World of Warcraft, I find it enjoyable to be the one that takes care of others within the game making sure others dont die, one of the few things I'm actually good at, what I lack in confidence in real life I am at least confident in how I play.

Also good with PC's, hence the degree in Comp Sci. Machines were always easy for me, it's just a matter of learning the problem and working it step by step, sometimes out of the box thinking required.

Tv / Books / Movies; Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: DS9, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Enterprise, Heroes, Smallville, Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, 4400, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Firefly, Altered Carbon, Stranger Things, The 100, all the DC super hero shows, Agents of Shield, West World, Watchmen, The Expanse. Neuromancer, Metro 2033 series, Cloverfield franchise, Project Almanac, Chronicle, so many more I could list hundreds.

These days i'm into World of Warcraft, raid twice a week with my guild (I main a tank). Also love single player story driven rpg's, Fallout, Metro, Stalker, Bioshock, Witcher, etc Really bad at it but love Rocket League and Street Fighter, watching people compete in those are sports for me (hence esports).



Age: 20 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 25 / straight

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United States


Age: 43 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

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Age: 22 / straight

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Age: 38 / straight

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United States


Age: 30 / straight

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United States


Age: 21 / straight

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United States


Age: 20 / straight

North Carolina
United States


Age: 32 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

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United States


Age: 20 / straight

North Carolina
United States