44 - Straight

Flintshire, United Kingdom

Nov 17, 2017 01:23

Protip: If you've spent all day trying to define your persona with a clever username that isnt already taken, ask a friend and they will choose a suitably humiliating one for you! ^.^;
Well hello then. It's time to reduce myself to two hundred words or less!
I'm Lowell - yes that is my first name, it's good for entertainment when people get anxious figuring out how to pronouce it - like I'm going to get mad if they get it wrong and my first impression of them will be tainted forever, I was Owl for a bit once which was great. Yes, tis I, Owl, the wise and fluffy. OvO

I work construction with close group of mates, we love winding each other up and the humor isnt for the faint hearted. Coming up with new variations on my name is regular entertainment. One time it was Lollipop. I replied only my girlfriend could get away with that one as it was a bit naughty - they asked why and I turned lovely shades red. So that name stuck. Source of great amusement - introduce the guy swinging fearsome 10lb sledgehammer as lollipop and watch him die of embarassment.
I'm very friendly and affectionate, big softy really behind those scars and I'll try my best to tickle your sense of humor. Making people smile is a big deal for me, I think silliness and laughter is secret to happiness no matter who you are.

As much as I love my mates, work is not the place to geek out, woeful lack of shared interest in studio ghibli, animation, 3d rendering or fantasy stuff, which is what I enjoy in my spare time (Spock eyebrow @ the rough looking guy with the rough hands is a freelance artist and loves sci-fi, right?) Shameful shortage of women in trades profession too
University is little different as Games Dev is male dominated also. Chances to meet someone wonderful my age who shares interests seem vanishingly small.

Please, no posers - by that I mean, don't try to impress by being someone else or aspiring to mimic fake phtoshopped celebrities, it will make you deeply unhappy keeping up appearances and you may never find your soulmate while you're wearing the mask. Do what makes you happy, own it, forget the petty drama and the conformity and someone will come along who loves you for who you really are..