32 - Straight

Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

Jan 25, 2016 01:14

My name is James Williamson Crawford, 23, 5'11" in height and I'm Malaysian. Though not fully as my dad is Scottish. Anyway, Now that you know that, let me tell you a bit about myself.

I LOVE gaming. I will literally talk about anything as long as it doesn't hurt anyone of course. I care too much about peoples feelings and belongings which makes me very wary of my surroundings. So don't worry if we ever meet. I will literally touch nothing that belongs to you, especially games because screw missing out on your progress on your game.

The way i talk is fun, weird and rather different from everyone else when they're in a conversation. I'm rather talkative to the people I like and really love anything weird or out of the ordinary topics of conversation which others would consider inappropriate.

If I'm lucky enough to find a girl to love, I'll be sure to give her a lot of attention as well as love so you can expect me to message you back a lot as fast as i can rather than leave you hang.

The games i love are survival and strategy games. So games like The Forest, 7 Days to die, Don't Starve Together and many other games. I love to play multiplayer games because then i can play together with my friends.

Other than games, I came out of college with a HNC certificate in computing. Been learning computing for nearly 5 years now. Right now I'm self teaching myself coding. Like how to make websites. In the future, i hope to be able to do many things like make mobile apps and much more and even start up my own business one day like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs.

In life, I find it important to exercise because screw being a big guy for the rest of my life. That's in current progress since I'm sure women love a fit guy. So don't worry, i won't live a relaxing, care-free life and just slouch about. I'm a hard worker.