33 - Straight

BaWü, Germany

May 7, 2019 19:47

Hi everyone, I'm Kai, Gamer since my early years and i can't think about a life without games.
A few times the week i go out to do some fitness, but the most of the time i spend my evenings playing with some friends online or by myself. Sometimes i turn night into day, if you know what i mean, but i try to do this only on the weekends... so i'm not really the early bird.

I'm into all interesting RPGs, like the big triple As (Witcher, Skyrim..), but also fps an other multiplayer games, like lol, rocket league or everthing else you can get on pc. I would be happy if someone wants to play with me once in a while, so dont hesitate to ask so

I also got a PS4 and my best travel friend, nintendo switch! Damn, i love it to play on long trainrides or flies..

Besides I like Comics, Mangas and of course... Movies! Especially Comic Movies or Star Wars... Movies, books or comics with dramatic changes and unexpected endings (game of thrones) are my favorites.

Ich bin seit klein auf Gamer und kann das Zocken nicht mehr wegdenken. Neben dem Arbeiten gehe ich einige male die Woche ins Fitnessstudio. Der Nerd in mir zeigt sich nicht jedem, verbringe daher lieber auch viele Abende zuhause vor meinem PC, wo ich häufig einfach zu lange hängen bleibe, obwohl ich morgens früh raus muss. Aber das kennt man ja