35 - Straight

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Nov 10, 2022 20:24

Looking for a partner in crime....

Hi, the names Alex. I spend most of my time on my pc. either talking with friends, playing games, watching tv movies or anime. I also do digital drawing. I love to get to know people on a serious level, their dreams, their life, their hardships. A Very good listener. My friends have told me that I am too kind, caring, supportive and compassionate for my own good lol. DnD is a new hobby that i tried recently and really enjoyed, I watched it on twitch a lot but finally decided to give it a go.
If your into anything geeky or nerdy we will get along just fine
Send a message if you want to give it a try
My discord is Zamaru#4588 if you want to send a message that way



Age: 33 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom