28 - Straight

California, United States

May 9, 2023 20:40

Im a nerdy gamer looking for my player 2.
If we vibe well and things get serious I would be willing to relocate as where I live now is unlivable.

Disclaimer: if Im insecure about being too loving its for a reason. I will want to spend every moment with you. Do everything together. If I am too involved,needy,or otherwise you need time to yourself please speak up. If you need lots of alone time and space please move along.

I am very loyal and caring. I enjoy walks in the park, gaming, sword fighting, and board games. I love cuddling and having my hair played with. My ideal home would be in a small town out in the boonies with good internet. Small population area as I am done with big cities. I am willing to relocate if the relationship is serious enough as where I live is unlivable. Also I am unapologetically perverse and have a ***** side. I have a high s*x drive. For what its worth im switch that leans more towards dom.

I'm looking for my perfect match. Ideally either a gamer or open to gaming together on occasion. Have enough in common that we can spend lots of time together but just enough not in common that we can share new experiences with each other. Someone who is equally perverse and open to try exploring and or is equally a ***** freak with high s*x drive. A sub or sub leaning switch. Dommy mommy vibes also good

What a day in the life would be like. Cuddling and gaming together. Occasionally surprise each other with sword fights and lovey dovey affection. Tease each other and laughing. Going on walks together. And probably a fair amount of smashing.

Types of affection in order of most appreciated to least with 1 outlier.
Quality time
Physical affection (hugging, cuddling, ect)
Words of affirmation
Acts of service
Receiving gifts.

The outlier being sexual intimacy since I'm fairly inexperienced and my only experiences were painful physically and emotionally so I'm not sure where that would be.

Im a fairly open books so if there is anything you want to know just ask.

What game would we play?
Up to you but my favorite is ARK or most MMOs. I also love strategy games but none of my friends will play them with me.
I'll be your shield if you'll be my sword. I'll be your crafter if you'll be my gather or explorer.

Sword fighting?
Yeah like foam swords just to play fight or be silly with. Plus a fun way to work out.

Any cringe and cheesy pick up lines?
Yes. But I take damage from the self inflicted cringe.
Are you a goldfish? Because your a snack that smiles back. Smfh kill me plz.

Fun adventures to go on and skills to teach me would definitely be motor cycles. Go to an ax throwing lane. Road trips.

I have lots of wild stories and hope to make many more with my ideal partner.



Age: 31 / straight

United States


Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

United States