25 - Straight

Rhode Island, United States

Feb 10, 2024 04:20

Hey I'm tim. I got asperger's and am a nerd about everything. Well not everything but you get the idea.
I don't drive atm but I'm working on it.
I love pokemon, wrestling, minecraft, dnd, anime, manga, twitch, youtube, touhou, Digimon, rougelikes, and much more I can't think of atm.
I am a big philosophy, sociology, and psychology buff. Trying to learn and be very knowledgeable. I'm trying to become a teacher for technology using minecraft as a basis for learning at RIC. Not going super well due to a lot of unforseen issues.
I use Twitter and discord basically all day and most of my friends I've known fo 8+ Years use discord.
I have 4 cats atm. They are all wonderful creatures. My favorite animals are giraffes though. Idk why.
Ask about my favorite animes, games, pokemon and more.
I'm usually good via text but can do other things if needed.
I'm not really the best looking or usually the most confident, but if you are passionate about everything I am or most things really, I'll def get along with you even if I am awkward.



Age: 21 / straight

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 23 / straight

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 26 / straight

Rhode Island
United States


Age: 31 / straight

Rhode Island
United States