41 - Straight

West Sussex, United Kingdom

Sep 14, 2023 08:02

Greetings.... I'm Craig - an occasionally odd sort of chap, sort of geeky with interests in science fiction, video gaming, biking and lego building.

I also usually enjoy watching those BBC4 documentaries about how dark matter is taking over the universe. (Not to self: Visit more museums.)

And Top Gear, before it got too repetitive.

And Star Trek - especially The Next Generation. Although I do like the reboot movies too and I'm currently rediscovering DS9.

Oh, and QI. And Peep Show. And a good boxset. Appreciative emoticons will be rewarded for other viewing recommendations.

I'm also a bit of a motorbike nut. It's estimated that 50% of my brain capacity is filled with such an interest. I like making them clean and tidy with a little bit of restoration and as they're my only form of transport, I like riding them too. Still need to plan a decent bike trip methinks...

Other than that, I like the usual cinema venturing, musical tuneage listening and pub lunches. I do like a bike ride to a nice pub to eat and drink things.



Age: 35 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom


Age: 34 / straight

West Sussex
United Kingdom